�in a big city.
2. What can you say about the landscape?
�� It is a desert.��������������
�� There is a lot of snow.
�� It is dry (= not�wet) and there are small shrubs and plants.
�� There are a lot of tall trees.
3. This video is about:����pets.�������people.�����wild animals.
B. Second viewing: Figures.
1. Komodo dragons have survived for �million years.
2. An aviator discovered the Komodo Dragons in 19.
3. The tongue of a Komodo dragon is �centimetres long.�
4. Komodo dragons can measure up to �meters in length (= Komodo dragons are ... meters long).
5. Komodo dragons weigh �kilos.
6. Their teeth are �to �centimetres long.
C. Third viewing: Right or Wrong?
1. The aviator who discovered the Komodo dragons was German.���� �Right.���� �Wrong.
2. He discovered them by accident.�����������������������������������������������������Right.������Wrong.
3. Komodo Dragons eat fruit, vegetables and fish.�����������������������������Right.���� �Wrong.
4. They have a mechanical step.���������������������������������������������������������� �Right.������Wrong.
D. Fourth viewing: Fill in the blanks.
1. The Komodo dragons are the �reptiles in the world.
2. The aviator who discovered the Komodo dragons was thought to be �(= crazy) when he returned with tales (= stories) of these monsters.
3. Komodo dragons are capable of bringing down a deer or a �with a slap of their .
4. Komodo dragons use their tongues to �and investigate the surroundings.
A. First viewing: General Facts.
1. The scene takes place:����� in a zoo.�� in a park.�� on an island.���in a big city.
2. What is happening is:�������� ordinary.��special.
3. This video is about: (several possible answers)
��� �making money with Komodo dragons.
��� �breeding baby Komodo dragons.
��� �learning more about Komodo dragons.
��� �killing Komodo dragons and eat them.
4. Normally Komodo dragons live in:���Africa.�� �Indonesia.����Australia.
B. Second viewing: Figures.
1. After �months in an incubator, eggs are hatching.
2. Komodo dragons can live over �years.
3. There may be fewer than �of these ancient creatures in the wild.
C. Third viewing: Right or Wrong?
1. So little is known about Komodo dragons.�������� ��Right.������Wrong.
(= We don�t know a lot of things about them).
2. Captive Komodo dragons seem / look violent.�� �Right.���� �Wrong.
3. Adult dragons have a friendly bite.���������������� ���Right.���� �Wrong.
4. Wild Komodo dragons eat about anything.�������� �Right.������Wrong.
D. Fourth viewing: Fill in the blanks.
1. Komodo dragons are notoriously difficult to breed in .
2. Catching (= capturing) these rare reptile takes �and .
3. With small populations like the Komodo dragons, it is important for us to learn as much as we can about not only keeping them �but �them.
4. The Komodo dragons at the zoo feast on a diet consisting of �and .
5. The baby Komodo dragons will live in a �for now and move to a larger exhibit as they .
6. These baby dragons are a .