The Hitchhiker
���� To his surprise, in the back iswaswere an empty coffin. Because it was bothneitherstill raining heavily, David decided climbto climbclimbing inside it for tsheltershelterchelter. Standing by the roadside had makemakedmade him feel very tired, so it wasn�t long before he had fallfellfallen asleep.
���� While he sleptsleepsis sleepingwas sleeping, the lorry had stopped again to picked uppick uppicking uppicks up�another hitchhikerhitchhikinghitchhikedhitchhikers Like David, he too climbed on to the back of the lorry. By now, the rain had stopped and the sun had come out. It began to get very heathotterhothottest�inside the coffin and David more suddensuddenlysuddenmost suddenly woke up. Without thinkthinkingthoughtto think, he lifted the lid off the coffin , seeingsawseensight the stranger sitting there and shouted: �Have I been�sleeping for long?� His fellow hitchhiker takentakestooktake one look at David, screamed with fear and jumped from the lorry in panic. Needless to say, he has never hitchhikednever hitchhikednever has hitchikedhas hitchhiked never�again.