����� Haunted Hotels in Canada
In the penthouse�at the Royal York, the Crystal Ballroom, which was�closed outclosed offclosed in permanently because it did not meet the fire code. The service elevator�will sometimes go�directlystraight/slowdirectly/straight�up to the Crystal Ballroom despiteinspitedespite the fact�it�s been closed off for years. �In the guest rooms directly�belowabovebeneath the Crystal, hotel guests often complain about music and loud talking�coming incoming fromcoming out�the ballroom. Also, chandeliers on this floor have been known to quakevibrateshake�for no reason.
C) Bradford Regency Hotel Victoria
The most�commoncommonlyuncommon�seen�ghost is a man who is believed to�be Louis de Buade, a governor in the�newformerlate 17th century. The story is that�Louis�walks acrosswanders overwanders around the�old chateau looking atlooking forlooking after�his fianc�e who was in Europe at the�time of his deaddieddeath. He is dressed in period costume and has been seen sitting on windowsills,�climbingstandingwriting�in the hallways or staringstaring atstaring intostaring about�guests in their rooms�while they are sleeping.
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