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Reading Test - B1 level

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������������������ �PART ONE - �Reading test - LEVEL B1������������������������������������

READING TASK 1 Read the text. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c).
Nelson Mandela����

The biography of Nelson Mandela reads like a morality tale. Here is a man who is subjected by a racist society to years of imprisonment, for most of the time in degrading and humiliating conditions, who emerges a quarter of a century later to become president of his country and Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Nelson Mandela came slowly to political activism. He grew up as a reasonably privileged child and was not exposed to the racial discrimination which was becoming institutionalized in his country until he was at university at the age of 24. But once he recognized the injustices, he could not remain silent and he was expelled from the University of Fort Hare in 1940 for taking part in a student demonstration. He did not give up on his university degree, however, eventually completing the course by correspondence in 1942. He went on to become the first black student at the University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law, although he never completed the course.

He joined the �African National Congress� (ANC) which was fighting for self-determination for a multi-racial society. But when the National Party (NP) came to power in South Africa in 1948, it introduced a policy of forced separation of races, which became known around the world as apartheid. By 1952 the ANC was encouraging protesters to refuse to obey laws which aimed at segregating the races in everyday life. However, Mandela urged the protesters not to use violence, even if violence was used against them.

Mandela did not just protest on the streets. With his friend, Oliver Tambo, he opened a law practice in Johannesburg, and continued to work there through his five-year long treason trial which the authorities staged as the ANC became more militant in the face of harsher and harsher racist laws.

In 1961 Mandela was recognized not guilty but he realized his life had changed. He went underground and even accepted the need for violent protests, after the massacre of 69 blacks in Sharpeville.

The military arm of the ANC, the Umkhonto we Sizwe or Spear of the Nation was formed and Mandela went to Algeria for military training. On his return to South Africa, he was arrested in August 1962 and sentenced to five years in prison but then, following the arrest of ANC colleagues at Rivonia, he was tried again for treason and conspiracy and sentenced to life imprisonment in June 1964.

He spent 18 years on the infamous Robben Island but he never lost touch with the outside world. His autobiography was written at this time and secretly sent out of prison, to be published later under the title Long Walk to Freedom. Mandela was moved to Pollsmoor Prison near Cape Town and finally to Victor Vester prison. By now, Mandela had become the icon for resistance to apartheid and finally, bowing to international and domestic pressure, the South African government liftedthe ban on the ANC and released Mandela in February 1990.

In 1993 Mandela and the President of South Africa, De Klerk, won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to resolve the conflict between races, and in 1994 Mandela became the new President.

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1.�According to the text, Nelson Mandela
a.�had been exposed to social discrimination since he was a child.
b.�understood what racism was when he was sent to prison.
c.�became interested in politics when he was at university.
2.�The African National Congress (ANC)
a.�encouraged black people to fight.
b.�wanted Nelson Mandela not to use violence.
c.�told black people to disobey segregation laws.�
3.�According to the text, after 1952 Nelson Mandela
a.�stopped participating in demonstrations.
b.�started working for a lawyer.
c.�had contrasts with the ANC.
4.�At the end of his trial in 1961, Nelson Mandela
a.�stopped working publicly.
b.�was recognized as the ANC leader.
c.�encouraged pacific protests.
5.�After his return from Algeria, Nelson Mandela
a.�spent five years in prison.
b.�helped to arrest some of his colleagues.
c.�had two trials in two years.
6.� According to the text, Nelson Mandela�s biography was
a.�declared illegal by the government.
b.�written while he was in prison.
c.�written and published after his liberation.

READING TASK 2 ��Read the text do the exercise. Look at the words in bold and choose the best one

(a, b, c or d) to fit the meaning of the word/phrase in the text as shown in the example (0).

Henry Evans and Jennifer Miller

The Wedding of the Century

Yesterday on a beautiful beach near Malibu, California, the actor Henry Evans prepared for his long-awaited wedding this weekend to actress Jennifer Miller.

o������� a modern casanova

Since the days of Clarke Gable, Hollywood has not seen such a Casanova. At the age of 19 Evans � who was once voted by People magazine the sexiest man alive � had a love affair with Robin Givens, which came to anend when her then husband, the boxer Mike Ollies, found out what was going on. Later, he lived with another actress, Juliette Lewis, for three years. Recently, he almost got married to Gwyneth Perkins, but something went wrong. Then he met Jennifer.

o������� miller�s family relationships

Jennifer Miller spent much of her childhood in Manhattan where her father, John, worked as a successful soap actor on Days of Our Lives. Surprisingly, she did not meet Evans at any high-class, exciting Hollywood bash but at a park in Los Angeles. He helped her look for her dog, Enzo.

It is not known whether Miller's mother, Nancy, will attend the wedding. The actress cut off contact after her mother spoke on television about her. She said yesterday: �I love my daughter very much. I meditate about our relationship. I pray for it. Even if she's not close to me right now, I still worry about my

daughter. �I don�t know Henry Evans. I hear he�s a fine young man. I thank God that he loves her because Jenny is a wonderful person. I'm only concerned that he brings her happiness.�

o������� the preparation

Workers and tent-erectors walked upon the red dirt of Malibu all day, putting the finishing touches to a stage by the sea, where the ceremony is expected to be held away from inquisitive paparazzi eyes. Behind it, is a vast white marquee where the party is expected to continue long into the night. The British band Radiohead is expectedto fly in from London to entertain the 200 guests.

o������� security matters

Evans has asked Elizabeth Taylor's security consultant, Alon Moshe � a former agent for Israel's secret service � to coordinate an elaborate operation to keep journalists and paparazzi away. Trees were being planted along the beach to screen the area from expected boats crowded with photographers.

There is only one shadow on the horizon. Malibu police will be on the lookout for Athena Rolando,a neurotic fan who entered Evans� house last year. Officers have been looking for her for more than a week, after she escaped from prison.

��������������������������� Adapted from daily telegraph


�long-awaited� means

a.������ not interesting

b.����� boring

c.������ ugly

d.����� waited for a long time

8.���������� bash

a.������ tour

b.����� holiday

c.������ hill

d.����� party

10.���������� dirt

a.������ terrain

b.����� palace

c.������ rubbish

d.����� theatre

12.���������� on the lookout for

a.������ on the alert for

b.����� visiting continuously

c.������ searching the sea for

d.����� finishing their job with

7.���������� found out

a.������ tried to talk about

b.����� discovered

c.������ came out of prison

d.����� explained

9.���������� concerned

a.������ unhappy

b.����� interested

c.������ concentrated

d.����� afraid

11.���������� marquee

a.������ cake

b.����� service

c.������ dress

d.����� tent

READING TASK 3 ��Read the text below and for each gap choose the best word or phrase
from the box.�Write the word in the gap.�

















������������������������ Rules for Parents of Teenagers

Laurence Steinberg , a professor of psychology at Temple University and author of The 10 Basic Principles of Good Parenting, offers his 13. for the parents of teens.

your teenager child still needs you

Many parents mistakenly believe that by the time children have become teen�agers, there's nothing more a parent can do. Wrong. Studies clearly show that good parenting continues to help teenagers 14. in healthy ways, stay out of trouble and do well in school.

don�t be afraid of showing your love

Don't hold back when it comes to giving your approval and showing physical affection. There is no evidence that adolescents are

harmed by having parents who are caring � as long as you don't 15. them in front of their friends.

don�t stop taking part

Many parents give a lot of time and attention to their child only during the early years. This is a 16. . It's just as important for you to be involved in your child�s life also now - �maybe even more so. Participate in school programs. Get to know your child's friends. Spend time together. Stay involved.

ADAPT YOUR approach

Many parenting strategies that work at one age stop working at the next stage of develop�ment. As children get older, for example, their ability to reason 17. dramatically, and they won�t listen to you if they feel they are treated like little children.

the importance of limits

The most important thing children need from their parents is love, but a close second is structure. Even teenagers need rules. Be firm but fair. Relax your rules bit by bit as your child demonstrates more 18. . If he or she can't handle the freedom, tighten the reins and try again in a few months.


Many parents 19. �think that�their teenager's strong desire for the freedom to organize their own lives�means rebelliousness, disobedience or disrespect. It's healthy for adolescents to push for autonomy. Give your children the psychological space they need to learn to be self-reliant, and resist the temptation to micromanage.


Good parents have expec�tations but, in order for your teenager to live up to them, your rules and decisions have to be clear and 20.. As your child becomes more adept at rea�soning, it's no longer good enough to say "Because I said so."

������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Adapted from Time

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