�Idioms in English!
1. I�m sorry I have crashed your car. But �your hair on! It�s not the end of the world.
2. The exam is over now and it all end very well. So you can� �your hair down and relax.
3. When the president of our firm was kidnapped , he didn�t��a hair. He was brave.
4. I was listening to bus drivers speaking on the news and some of the stories they were talking about� my hair� on end!
5. When my mother realized that she was beginning to lose her �, she sold her company and began spending more time with the family.
6. I would like to drive but every time I have to pass the driving test I lose my�� and can�t do anything but fail.
7. He used to be an excellent barrister , but because he lost a prominent murder case he felt that he was losing his �.
8. He didn�t mean to hurt you. You are making a���out of a molehill.
9. My sister has to write a short story for next week. I thought it was a simple task but she seems to be making heavy ��of it.
10. Two hotel guests were making a� in the hotel lobby. It was most embarrassing for the manager.�
11. I�ve paid off all my debts and it�s a good feeling to be in� redblackgreenwhite�the� again.
12. After the accident, Karen was�blackwhite and�greenblue but luckily she was alive.
13. Peter can get anything to grow- he�s really got�bluegreenblackwhite fingers.
14. I don�t want to go to the cinema tonight, so I�ll tell Paul I have to study for a test. A�pinkbluewhitered lie is better than hurting his feelings.
15. When Katherine knows you are going to go to Miami and not her, she�ll be�blueredgreenblack with envy.
16. Bill spends lots of money on silly things. He�s been in the�redgreenblackwhite as long as I�ve known him.
17. You�ll have to change the tyre. I�ll�� �you a hand if you like.
18. He argued with the boss and quitted his job. But the next morning, he went�� in hand and asked for his job back.
19. The boys love their new teacher. She has them�� out of her hand already and they do whatever she tells them.
20. Susan won�t suddenly start saving money when she�s been living hand to�� all her life.
21. Martin has been the manager�s�� hand man for years.
22. That�s my box of chocolates! Hands�� !
23. I�d love to help you, but I have my hands�� with the organization of the school trip at the moment.
1. As bald as���������������������������������� �a pancake������������������
2. As black as��������������������������������� �a post
3. As busy as���������������������������������� �a cucumber�������
4. As cold as����������������������������������� �a bee
5. As cool as����������������������������������� �a coot������������
6. As deaf as���������������������������������� �coal
7. As flat as������������������������������������ �ice����������������������������