1971 - Lance Armstrong is born on September 18 in Plano, Texas, USA. His mother, Lindey Mooneyham is 17.
1987 - At 16, he becomes a professional athlete in the triathlon.
1992 -
1993 - He wins 10 titles, and stage 8 of the Tour de France.
1996 -
1997 -
1999 -
2000 - Wins the Tour de France again.
2001 -
2002 - Wins the Tour de France.
2003 - Wins the Tour de France.
2004 -
2005 - Wins the Tour de France for the sixth straight year.
2006 -
2007 -
2009 -
1. Where has beenwasis Lance Armstrong born?
He has been bornwas bornis born in , Texas.
2. How many times did he winis he winninghas he won the Tour de France?
He has wonwonwins the Tour de France fivesixseven times.
He diagnosed with testicular cancer in 199619971998.
He wasHeHe has campaigned for cancer awareness since 1997.
He retiredhas retired oncetwicethree times.
He firstsecondthird.