- We isamare in a circus.
- Mary amisare the horse trainer.
- They amisare little clowns.
- You amisare making photos with lions.
- I amisare having fun here.
- Penguins have black and white feathers. (have)
- Who ownowns the bumpy alligator?
- Jack listenlistensto music a lot.
- Mr. Reed havehas a pet shop.
- We dodoes the job together.
- Carlos jumped into the pool. (jump)
- Ann followesfollowfollowedwill followhim.
- She tosstossestossedwill tossthe ball to Carlos.
- Carlos will dropdroppeddrops it.
- Ann smiledsmilessmilewill smile
- They will trytrytriestriedtryeda swimming race.
- John’s family will travel to Africa. (travel)
- They gogoeswill gowent there by the plane.
- It stopsstopstoppedwill stop in France late at night.
- We metmeetwill meetshall meetthem at the airport in Paris.
- Than we will takeshall taketooktaketakesanother plane.
- I accompaniedwill accompanyshall accompanyaccompanyaccompaniesJohn to Africa.