English Exercises > past simple exercises

Quiz on British culture

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Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
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Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
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Past simple wordsearch
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Age: 11-17
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Simple Past Tense test
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Age: 12-14
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Past simple
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
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Simple Past - gap filling
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
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Do the quiz

1.- You are at a famous lake in Scotland. What are you looking for?

2.- The Queen of England has got three residences. When you see a flag you know that she's at home.
3.- You're shopping in Belfast. Are you using euros?�
4.- You're in an Indian restaurant. What are you eating?
5.- What's the capital of Wales?�
6.- Where's Loch Ness?�
7.- How many streets are there in London?��
8.- What's the symbol of Ireland?�
9.- When was Buckingham Palace built?�
10.- A woman is swimming from England to France. How many kilometres is she swimming?
11.- Where is Mick Jagger from?
12.- When did William Shakespeare die?
13.- Who wrote "David Copperfield?