English Exercises > countries exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
"Countries and nationalities" (4th and Last one in the series) - Reading for Upper Elementary and Lower Intermediate students
Level: elementary
Age: 11-12
Downloads: 651

Countries, Nationalities & Capital cities
Level: elementary
Age: 8-12
Downloads: 587

Level: elementary
Age: 6-14
Downloads: 522

Countries-Nationalit ies-Capital Cities
Level: elementary
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 528

countries, nationalities and capital cities
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 337

Passports (speaking cards)
Level: elementary
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 236


��� Countries - Nationalities and the Capital Cities Exercises
1.�������� Dimitri is from Greece. His nationality and language is �Capital city of Greece is

2.�������� Luigi is from Italy. He is .� is the capital city of Italy.

3.�������� Hannah is from Norway. She is . She was born in� which is the capital city of

4.�������� Aliina was born in Finland. People of Finland are called �Alina lives in the capital city of Finland which is .

5.�������� Irenka is �She is from Slovakia.� is the capital city of Slovakia. She was born there.

6.�������� Valery is from Russia. He is . Capital city of Russia is

7.�������� Annemarie is from Belgium.� is the capital city of Belgium.

8.�������� Mehmet is from Turkey. He is . He was born in �which is the capital city of Turkey

9.�������� Danijela is from Serbia. Her language is Capital city of Serbia is

10.���� Lucas was born in Germany. His nationality is��. Capital city of �is .

11.���� Camilla is from Holland. She is . She lives in the capital city of Holland which is

12�� Lala is from Bulgaria.� is the capital city of . Lala's nationality is

13.Duncan is . He�comes from �which is the capital city of Scotland.

14.Nadia was born in Ukraine.� is the capital city of Ukraine.

15.� Hakki was born in Denmark. He is� Capital city of Denmark is

16.Anders and Andrea are from Sweden. They are .�Capital city of Sweden is

17.Austria is in Central Europe. �is the capital city of Austria. German is the official language of �people.

18.��Pierre�lives in �which is the capital city of France.�is referred to as language of love.

19.Juan is He is from Spain. �is the capital city of Spain.

20.��My friend Attila is He comes from Hungary. He speaks and English. Capital city of Hungary is

21.��Marek was born in Poland. His language is . is the capital city of Poland.

22.Romania is an Eastern European country. Its language is �. Capital city of Romania is

23.Selma was born in Bosnia. Capital city of Bosnia is

24.Wales is part of Great Britain. People of Wales are called �.��is the capital city of Wales.

25. people are famous for their chocolate and watches. is the capital city of Switzerland

26.Bj�rg comes from Iceland. Capital city of Iceland is �. People of Iceland are called

27.Portugal is situated in the Peninsula next to Spain. People of Portugal are called �and �is the capital

����� city of Portugal.�

28.Kazimir lives in Czech Republich. He is . �which is the capital city of Czech Republic, is also one of the most beautiful�

����� cities in Europe.

29.Anastasia was born in Belarus.� is the capital city of Belarus.

30.Darko is He comes from Croatia. Capital city of Croatia is

31.Paddy and Murphy are probably two of the most famous names. People of Ireland speaks Capital city of Ireland is�

32.�� is the capital city of England. People of England�speak �and aren't they lucky.