English Exercises > Other printables exercises

Dictionary Skills

Downloadable worksheets:
Dictionary skills
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 239

Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 127

Valentine�s Day - This love - Song Activity
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 67

Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 55

Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 54

Dictionary Skills
Level: elementary
Age: 7-11
Downloads: 57


Dictonary Skills

Part 1- Compounds

Use your dictionary to fill in the compound words.

Part A. Compound Nouns
Example: local ______ - the time in your particular part of the world
Answer: time
1. dental �- a special thread that is used to clean between your teeth
2. little �- ordinary people who are not wealthy, famous, or powerful
3. backseat �- a passenger in a car who gives driving advice to the driver
4. breeding �- a place where animals go to breed
5. chain �- a series of events in which each event causes the next one
6. dance �- an area where people can dance inside a restaurant, club, hall, etc.
7. dish �- a cloth that is used for drying dishes
Part B. Compound Adjectives
1. face-� - done to keep someone from looking foolish
2. fire-� - able to produce a stream of fire from the mouth
3. habit-� - causing a strong need to regularly have something or do soemthing
4. horse-� - pulled by a horse or group of horses
5. machine-� - in a form that can be used and understood by a computer
6. middle-� - relating to people about 40 to 60 years old
7. nerve-� - causing a person to feel very nervous
8. old-� - of or relating to the past.
Part C. Spelling Compound Words - Corrrect the spelling of these words
Example: conartist (noun) _________
Answer: con artist
1. old fashioned (adjective)
2. singer songwriter (noun)
3. chalk board (noun)
4. pistolwhip (verb)
5. witch-hazel (noun)
6. guinea-pig (noun)
7. halfmoon (noun)

Part 2- Definitions

complete the definition for these words.
Example: archaeologist (noun) - a person who studies ______________
Answer: archaeology
1. alertly (adv) - in an� manner
2. geographic (adj) - of or relating to
3. rancorous (adj) - filled with
4. bleakness (noun) - the quality or state of being
5. mayoral (adj) - of or relating to a
6. twentieth (adj) - being the number� in order
7.�shortsightedness (noun) - the quality or state of being

Part 3 - Spelling

Part A. Correct Spelling

Look at the spelling of each word. If the spelling is correct, write "correct" in the box. If it is incorrect, write the correct spelling.
1. accomodate
2. catagory
3. embarrass
4. innoculate
5. occured
Part B. American Spelling
Write the usual American spelling for each of these words.
1. meagre
2. oestrogen
3. realise
4. travelled
5. fervour