English Exercises > prepositions exercises

Prepositions of Place with Kitty

Downloadable worksheets:
Preposition of place
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Age: 8-12
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TIME Expressions - At/ On/ In - Basic rules for Upper elementary and Intermediate students
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Prepositions of Place
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Level: elementary
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In my bed room (THERE IS/THERE ARE)
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of Place with Kitty
1. Where is Kitty? Pick the correct word from the menu!

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2. Now�type the correct word into the box!
Kitty is dancing �the box.
Kitty is dancing �the box.
Kitty is dancing �the box.
Kitty is dancing the box.
Kitty is dancing�the box.
Kitty is dancing�the box.
3. Now�write down the words you can find in the picture below!
Start with the left ear ;o)
, �, , , , and
Well Done!
Copyright Regina Voitl 2010. Do not redistribute the pictures without prior written consent of the author.