Write these sentences in Past simple
������1.����� I �(brush) my teeth in the morning.
2.����� You �(build) a nice house for your family.
3.����� We �(clean) the room.
4.����� They �(cook) a nice meal.
5.����� She �(cry) at night.
6.����� He �(dance) at the night club.
7.����� Children �(drive) their toy cars.
8.����� I �(fish) by the river.
9.����� The man �(fix) his car.
10.� The birds �(fly) abroad.
11.� Nick �(go) to work.
12.� Guna �(jump) into the river.
13.� Ervin �(know) new words.
14.� Martin �(listen) to music.
15.� Henry �(look) at his wife.
16.� We �(make) our beds.
17.� People �(meet) their friends.
18.� A person �(pay) the bill.
19.� Tom �(plant) a tree.
20.� Ann �(play) in the garden.
21.� Eric �(read) a magazine.
22.� The teacher �(run) home.
23.� The boy �(see) his friends.
24.� We �(send) greetings.
25.� He �(shave) in the morning.
26.� She �(show) her picture.
27.� They �(sit) at the fireplace.
28.� People �(ski) in winter.
29.� Children �(sleep) at night.
30.� Parents �(swim) in the sea.
31.� Tom and Mary �(think) about their holidays.
32.� Mary �(wait) for her friends.
33.� Martin �(wash) his car.
34.� Friends �(watch) a good movie.
35.� My sister �(water) the plants.
36.� My brother �(work) in the garden too.
Rewrite the sentences into Past Simple