English Exercises > listenings exercises

Listening (6) How To Become More Popular Without Turning Mean

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�How To Become More Popular Without Turning Mean

You are going to listen to some advice how to eat healthy on the road. First you have to study the task for about a minute. Then listen to the speaker and try to match the titles (A-I) to the steps (1-7). Write the correct letter in the box before each step. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Be careful. There are TWO extra topics you do not need to use. You can listen to the recording twice.





�������� ����������� STEPS���������������������������������� TOPICS




A��� Have a sense of humour


You will need


B���� Have diverse friends

Step 1


C���� Give little presents to everyone

Step 2

D��� Good attitude

Step 3


E���� Be confident and visible

Step 4


F���� Don't sell out

Step 5


G��� Get a gimmick

Step 6


H��� Be present




I���� Be likable
