English Exercises > songs exercises

All the Same

Downloadable worksheets:
Words or expressions that all have the same meaning
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 159

Past Simple vs Past Continuous! 2 pages. I have used the same pictures of my previous worksheet but I�ve changed all the sentences and the story! Hope you like it!!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 13-17
Downloads: 123

Schools are not all the same
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 105

Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 31

Family all the Same
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 21

All the same-Free Hugs Campaign-By Sick Puppies
Level: intermediate
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 8




All The Same-Sung by Sick Puppies

Watch the video,listen to the song and do exercises A-B.
A. Choose the words that�you hear.

I don�t mind you come from
As long you come to me

But I like illusions I can�t see them

I don�t �, no I wouldn't

To the twist in you

You've me eventually you'll do

I don�t . I don�t care

As long as you're


Go ahead and
me you'll leave again

You'll just back running

your scarred heart in

It's all the same

And I'll you for you are

If you take me for

And it all over again

It's all the same

and days by

Till you to come

long you stay is all I am

I don�t mind, I don�t care

As long as you're

B. Fill in the missing words.

Go ahead and me you'll leave again

You'll just back running

�your scarred heart in

It's all the same

And I'll take you for you are

If you take me for

And �it all over again

It's always the same

Go ahead


You'll just back running

your scarred heart in

It's all the same

And I'll take you for you are now

If you take me for

it all over again

It's all the same

