English Exercises > readings exercises

Body Parts

Downloadable worksheets:
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Downloads: 5203

Body Parts
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 4132

Physical description
Level: elementary
Age: 8-11
Downloads: 3153

Body Parts
Level: elementary
Age: 7-10
Downloads: 22

Level: elementary
Age: 3-17
Downloads: 2858

MY SUPER BOOKMARKS! (EDITABLE!!!) - FUNNY VOCABULARY BOOKMARKS FOR KIDS (numbers 1-100, alphabet, colours, body parts and days of the week) 2 pages B&W version included
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 2663


Body Parts


  1. I am round and two colors.For some people I am white and black,for some I am white and blue,others I am white and brown.What am I?
  2. I carry many white things inside me.I can open and close.I am what?
  3. I have no colors but I am hard.When you cut me I grow� back.What am I?
  4. I am� a twin and I take you to everywhere you go and you need me to play soccer.What am I?
  5. I am a bank.All the food you eat I keep there.I sometimes make some men look pregnant.What am I?
  6. I am the first thing in your body.I can be very long or short but some people don't have me.Some� women even buy more of me to add to make me longer.What am I ?
  7. You use me to take things you want.You use me to take food to your mouth.What am� I?
  8. When you are happy my color is same but when I am angry I am red.What am I
  9. I work and never stops.When you sleep I am still working.What am I?
  10. Two of me are the these words NO and YES and I am a 4 letter word.Can you smell it?
Body Functions
Choose�which functions that are not part of that body part.
  1. We can't use our eyes to
  2. We� can't �use our nose to
  3. We can't �use our legs to
  4. We can't �use our mouth to
  5. We can't �use our hands to

6 8

TEACHER: Write here the clues of the crossword

  1. You use it to see.
  2. You use it to walk.
  3. It is between your eyes .
  4. It is below your nose.
  5. Your fingers are on them.
  6. It carries your head.
  7. You cannot see but others can see.
  8. The food goes there.
  9. It is a grinding machine.