and heads back home with his �Vohnkar.
���� But shortly after, Willow sets Madmartigan free and decides to trust him with the baby. While walking home through the �they hear a baby cry and a Brownie flying above them on a bird with baby shouting "I stole the baby." They follow, but are captured by Brownies , who take them deep into the dark �to meet the �queen Chelindrea.
who will help him keep her safe.
���� Willow bumps into Madmartigan again in a tavern where they must quickly flee from Sorsha's army. They make it to the lake where Willow must row the boat to an �to find Raziel. When he is on the �he finds that the great �has been transformed into a weasel.
��� Soon after, they are captured by Sorsha's army. They escape again but not before Madmartigan under the spell of love dust declares his love to Sorsha. At the end, they get Sorsha and Airk with his army to help attack the evil Queen's . There is a battle between Raziel and the evil queen, who is also a . Raziel dies but Willow proves himself to be a great �as he destroys the queen. He returns back to his �as a hero and a worthy �to the High Aldwin.
The End
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�It's sometimes easier to learn the spelling of words if you break them up into syllables like this:
- ma-gi-cian
- sor-ce-ress
- sor-ce-rer
- vil-lage
- pro-phe-sy
- war-rior
- ap-pren-tice
- ri-ver
- is-land
- fo-rest
- for-tress
- dun-geon
- fai-ry
- cage