English Exercises > present simple exercises

Amazing Dolphins

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Present Simple/English test/ 3 pages
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
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Present Simple Exercises!
Level: elementary
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Amazing Dolphins

It is May 28, 1978. It is very foggy���� . There are four fishermen on a small boat in the sea. The fishermen can't see the sky. They can't see the water. They are lost. The fishermen can't get back home. They are sad.

The fishermen see some dolphins�� . They are not afraid. They are happy. Dolphins are good animals. They help people. Dolphins are friendly animals. They are smart, clever animals. Can the dolphins help the fishermen?

The dolphins swim next to the boat and the fishermen follow them. The fishermen can't see the way. They trust the dolphins.The dolphins lead the fishermen to the shore. The dolphins save the fishermen.�

1.Write the opposite:

1.���� hot���� 2. big�������3.happy�������������������

4.bad������� 5.unfreindly���� 6.far

7.dangerous����������������������������� 8.unlucky

2.Fill in the correct words. Use the word bank

1.���� It is aandday.

2.���� There is a smallin the sea.

3.���� There are fishermen in the sea.

4.���� The fishermen are sad because they are.

5.���� They see the dolphin but they are not.

6.���� They are taking the fishermen to a place.

7.���� The fishermen are lucky because dolphins areanimals.

Read each�statement and WRITE another sentence that supports� this statement

����������a.���� It is not winter_____________________.

b.���� The fishermen are in the water_____________________.

c.����� The fishermen are not at home. _________________________.

d.���� The weather is very bad. ____________________________.

e.���� The fishermen are not scared.____________________________.

f.������ Th� e fishermen can go home______________________________.

4. Read the question and write a short answer

1. Can the fishermen see the sky?_____________________.

2. Can the fishermen get home?_____________________.

3. Can the dolphins help the fishermen?__________________.

4. Can the fishermen trust the dolphins?_____________________

5. Read the sentence and write: fact or opinion

1. Fishermen can get lost on a foggy day____________

2. Dolphins help people_____________________

3. The dolphins are swimming near the boat________________

4. The dolphins are taking the fishermen to the shore___________