English Exercises > readings exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
READING Comprehension -Two articles: E-mails - a sign of progress or of laziness? / Text messaging :-) OR :-(?
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 4769

"Bullying... WHY ME?!!" Reading/ Writing Worksheet for Intermediate students
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 4024

"Television - Benefits and Side Effects": a 90-minute-lesson with the focus on Reading + Writing skills for Intermediate Students
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 3952

"Shopping - Do you like it or hate it?" ( a 90-minute class) - Reading comprehension + writing for Intermediate or Upper elementary students
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 3150

100 READING GAMES - POSTER + Timesavers + Hippo Report + Suggestions + BW + tons of LINKS - ((11_PAGES)) - A1-C2 level
Level: elementary
Age: 6-17
Downloads: 2929

"Me and My family" - Reading comprehension for Upper elementary and Lower Intermediate students
Level: elementary
Age: 10-12
Downloads: 3176



Read the text. Use the words from the box below to write in the missing words.
Meerkats live in Africa in the Kalahari . They are very cute .They are brown with grey� and black ears. They are small - about the same as a rabbit. �they are�adults at about one year of age they weigh around 2 pounds (750 - 820 grams). They've got a long body and a long ,� short legs. They can stand�two legs.
They live in . There are� five and thirty meerkats in� group. They �very social animals and they to play with�one another.� Meerkats constantly communicate with one another in three different : scent, sound, and body language.
They sleep in holes in the . These holes are called burrows which consist of entrance holes, tunnels,�and sleeping chambers. There may be up to 70 different entrances to the burrow system.
Meerkats ��early in the morning as the first rays of the sun stretch across� Kalahari. They� their holes and look food. They eat insects, plants, , eggs and mice. They �even eat� animals� scorpions and spiders.��When meerkats eat, some them stand on two legs and�guard the others. That's� some other animals like� eat meerkats. When the��see an eagle, a snake a fox they bark and�� the meerkats run to their holes.
������� or������but��� because�� ��southern��� ��when���a�� ���tail��� � stripes������can���� �lizards�� all���
��� between����� �desert���� ��of������ �the����� �ways������ for�� � on�� �are���� animals����������leave
wake up ��� back� � size��� �to �� �groups���� �ground�����guards�� � like (2x)��� �poisonous���� quite
The End