English Exercises > listenings exercises

Dawson´s Creek Listening exercise 3

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Dawson's Creek Listening exercise
Decide which sentences are true and tick them. Leave the once you think are false.
Cindrella Story Part 1
1. E.J. is the youngest in his department to have won the creating writing award.
2. Joey is going to attend an elegant dinner with distinguished guests.
3. Percy thinks that Joey has an eyes-closed wish.
4. Buzz is eight years old.
5. Buzz says that he is not like Percy or the kids for Seventh Heaven.
6. Buzz doesn't collect trading cards with Pokemons.
7. Buzz told Percy that his father is a sailor.
8. According to Buzz, Percy has issues beacause his dad is a cop.
9. Buzz has a problem with finishing things although he has the highest IQ in his class.
10. Buzz has been through five mentors for the last year.
11. The truth about Buzz'e father is that he has ran away with a younger woman.