Beans, beans and more beans Situation:� Moro and Danny are asking their sister Sue
for dinner.
Moro:�� What a day! I�m so hungry I could eat my
Danny: What�s for dinner, Sue?
Sue:������ Beans.
Danny: Did you fix a salad?���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �������������������������������������������������������
Sue:������ Sure, I did. It's beans salad.
Danny: What�s for dessert?
Sue:������ Bean pie.
Moro:�� Sue, we are tired of eating beans!
Danny: We�ve had beans for sixty-seven days! All you
cook is beans, beans and beans!
Moro:�� Don�t you know how to cook anything else?
Sue:������ Well. I only cook what I like to eat
and I like beans, unless I know how to prepare a delicious potato salad and a
healthy green salad.
Moro:�� Well. I�m going to order some pizza.
Danny: Yeah! Pizza!
Sue:������ Okay! Okay! If you don�t want to eat
these beans tonight, that�s fine.� I�ll �just �serve
them for breakfast tomorrow.