English Exercises > listenings exercises

we are the world - listening

Downloadable worksheets:
in the ghetto
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 8

THe Media -- TELTHe Media -- TELEVISIO" - Listening test for Intermediate/ Upper Intermediate students
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1641

Physical description listening
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1116

Shopping + Teenagers� opinions on fashion - Listening TEST for Intermediate Students
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 1042

Valentine�s Day - Listening activities (video from youtube)
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 1016

A 13-year-old boy�s life: Listening Comprehension Test
Level: elementary
Age: 9-12
Downloads: 942


���������� WE ARE THE WORLD�

Look at the pictures and understand the words...

�� ��� � �
world� children��� day���� time�� one��� ��
� hand�� gift����� family�� love��� you� me

true � � giving � � choice����

watch the video and then fill in the words below...

There comes a
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as

There are people dying
And it's time to lend a� to life
The greatest �of �all

We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big�
And the truth, you know� is all we need

We are the�
We are the�
We are the ones who make a brighter
So let's start giving
There's a� we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just� and


************MAKE A DIFFERENCE*************


