English Exercises > body exercises

Surprise 4 unit 2

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Surprise 5 unit 5: My country
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Age: 10-14
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surprise 6 UNIT 5 The world
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Surprise 5 Unit 2 -At the Restaurant
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Age: 8-10
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Surprise 6th Primary UNIT 2 Revision
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
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Exam Surprise 4 UNIT 5
Level: elementary
Age: 7-12
Downloads: 7

Clothes Big Surprise 1 Unit 5
Level: elementary
Age: 5-7
Downloads: 6


1.- Write the names.

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2.- Listen and complete the song.

I've got two
I can clap, clap.
I've got two
I can tap, tap.
I've got two
I can march, march.

My whole� can move!

I've got ten
I can wiggle, wiggle.
I've got two hips
I can jiggle, jiggle.
I've got two
I can criss-cross!

My whole body can !

My whole
I can boogie.
My whole body
I can hop.
My whole body
I� groove.

My whole body can move!

I've got two
I can pump, pump.
I've got two
I can jump, jump.
I've got ten
I can wiggle, wiggle.

My whole body can move!

I've got� hands
I can clap, clap.
I've got� knees
I can tap, tap.
I've got two legs
I� march, march.

My whole body can move!

My whole
I can boogie.
My whole body
I can .
My whole body
I can groove.

My whole body can move!

My two shoulders can go� and down.
My two arms can go round and round.
My two legs can� and groove.

My whole body can move!

My whole body
I can boogie.
My whole body
I can hop.
My whole body
I can groove.

3.- Choose the right word.

�� She has got a .������������������������������ ��� ���� He �got a goldfish.
I �got a hamster.������������������������������� �I have got a .
He has got a �������������������������������� She has got a .

4.- Answer these questions.

  • Has she got a pony? ��
  • Has he got a rabbit?
  • Has she got a hamster?�
  • Has he got a tortoise?�
  • Have you got blue eyes?
  • Have you curly hair?