English Exercises > christmas exercises

Let it snow!!

Downloadable worksheets:
A set of fun snow activities and facts + SONG - Let it snow! (2 pagws with keys)
Level: intermediate
Age: 12-17
Downloads: 384

Christmas songs and carols (set): LET IT SNOW
Level: elementary
Age: 6-10
Downloads: 175

Level: elementary
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 88

Let it snow
Level: elementary
Age: 9-17
Downloads: 70

Let it snow ! Kylie Minogue
Level: intermediate
Age: 11-14
Downloads: 59

Let it snow, Christmas song
Level: elementary
Age: 10-100
Downloads: 55


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Listen and choose
Oh the weather
outside is
But the fire
is so
And the fire is
And my dear,
we're �goodbying
And since we've got
�place to go
Let it snow!Let it snow!
Let it snow!
But as long as
you'd love me
Let it snow! Let it snow!
Man, it doesn't
signs of stopping
And I've bought me
some corn for
When we finally
kiss goodnight
How I'll hate
going out in the storm
The lights are turned
way down
Let it snow!Let it snow!
Let it snow!
But if you really
me tight
All the way home
I'll be warm
When we finally
kiss goodnight
How I'll hate
going out in the
Oh the fire is
slowly dying
And, my
we're still goodbying
But if you really
hold me tight
All the way home
I'll be
But as long as
you'd love me so
Let it snow! Let it snow!
Let it snow!