English Exercises > time exercises

Digital Time

Downloadable worksheets:
What time is it ? (2)
Level: elementary
Age: 5-17
Downloads: 474

Time Domino
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 129

Time Match
Level: elementary
Age: 7-17
Downloads: 123

Level: elementary
Age: 9-14
Downloads: 114

Telling the time
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
Downloads: 118

Digital time
Level: elementary
Age: 10-14
Downloads: 108


Write these digital times and indicate a.m or p.m.
Tip : a.m = from midnight to midday / p.m = from midday to midnight
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.
�It's �.