John Smith
12, All Saints Road
Norwich Se 59
Phone number: 01603298130
30th November 2011
Mrs. Greenwich,
Globus Supermarkets
Anglia Square
Norwich WB
���������� Dear Mrs. Greenwich,
� I wish to candidateapplyrunfor the job of applicantstudenttraineesales assistant publishedadvertisedwritten in the Evening Mail yesterday.
I am 18 years old and leftdropped outabandonedBaisley School in July last year with CSE in Maths, English� and Geography.
I was on the doleemployedunemployed for two months, and since then I have been on a college degreecoursetrainingwith work inexperienceexperiencequalificationin a grocery shop, Iceland Foods Lda, in 67-73 St. Stephens Street.
I am very excitedanxiousinterestedin working in a store. I can come at any timehourdate for an conversationdialogueinterview, and Mrs. Harris, the headmasterbossmanager at Iceland Foods, will give me a referenceproofdemonstration