1���� Aylin �and her sister gogoesshopping �every weekend.
2���� Every man �and �woman isarerespnsible for his actions..
3���� A lot of the people waswereinjured.
4���� Their �furniture���waswere�badly damaged during the flood.
5���� I need a little more time Sir.Just 5 minutes isareenough.
6���� Most people fearfearsspending a night alone.
7���� The police isarealways late in films.
8���� Some of the girls in our school isare�over 18.
9���� One of the cities she would like to live isareToscana.
10� Some of the countries �they �may �have �visited seemseemsto be �Nigeria �and �Egypt .
11� Each one of �us hashave�our own characteristics.
12� The weather in some African countries isareboiling hot in August.
13� None of the �them hashaveshoes to wear.
14� The number of casualities��isareincreasing.
15� No news isare good news.
16� Your jeans isaretorn.Let me mend them for you.
17� A red and yellow car isarewaiting outside.
18� One of her friends� isare�from Tokyo.
19� There isareseveral ways �you may solve this problem.
20� There isareeasy way to solve it.Let me show you.
21� The United Statesisarea rich country..
22� Statistics��isarehard to learn.
23� Chinese isarevery hard to learn .
24� The Chinese��isare�hard to understand.
26� Neither of you isaresuitable for �this task.
27� Everybody���livelives��his/her own life.
28� Some of the grain hashavegone bad.
29� Either�Kate �or her �mother hashavea car. �I don�t know which one.
30� Gymnastics isare�her hobby.
31� The child waswerevery sick.
32� The children waswerehappy playing with their new toys..
33� The statistics��showshowsthe company lost a lot of money.
34 One of Jane�s �parents waswere�lying.
35� Billiards isaremy favourite game.
36� Most of the flour waswere used to make a cake..
37� Either Martin or� his two sisters isare�at home.
38 Romeo and Julietta� isarea famous love story.
39 The team members isare having showers .
40� Ted and Lydia visitvisits their ucle every weekend..
41� There isareno time to escape.let�s hide behind a rock
42 My brothers or my sister hashavethe key.I will call them and ask.
43� Nobody isareperfect.