English Exercises > tests exercises

Job interview tips

Downloadable worksheets:
JOB INTERVIEW - vocabulary, tips, gaps filling and speaking (fully editable)
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 2147

Looking for your next Job? Here are some SKYPE Interview Tips!
Level: advanced
Age: 18-100
Downloads: 255

Ten top tips for successful job interview
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 208

How to excel at job interviews in English
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 208

Important Job Interview Vocabulary, Interviewing Tips and Practice Exercise# 1 with Answer Key - High Intermediate or Advanced
Level: advanced
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 99

A job interview - tips and dialogue
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 79


Ready for CAE, Unit 4 (Macmillan)

Recall the listening about job interviews and choose the best options.

1 �������updated ������trouble �������website ����������keen on ����������prepare ���������impression �����������subsidiaries ���������fault �����������enthusiasm���������������slack
I was told the best way to� for an interview is by going to the company’s �and finding everything you can about them. The idea, of course, is that it creates a good �and proves that you are� working for them because they can see you’ve done your homework. The� was that they hadn’t done theirs – the webpage hadn’t been �for over a year, so I asked all these questions about products they didn’t produce and subsidiaries that no longer existed. They must have thought I wasn’t very well prepared. It wasn’t my fault, though, and I kind of lost enthusiasm for the job once I found out what had happened. I mean. It’s a bit , isn’t it?

2 ��������might ���������overslept���������� probably ����������dog������������Anyway ����������article �����������interviewer ���������Rehearse
So there I was the night before, in the living room talking to the . A bit strange, you �think, and you’d� be right. But I was getting ready for the next day, you see. The dog was the , and I was trying out all my questions and answers on him. I’m not sure that’s what the writer of the �had in mind when he said, ’ the situation with a friend’, but it seemed like a good idea to me. , it was all a bit of a waste of time really. I �the next morning and by the time I got there they’d already taken somebody on.

3 �������� vital ���������������uptight ������������spilt �������������Projecting������������off ������������GCSE ������������Shame ������������career ������������take me on
’Now you’re not to get all �and on edge, like you normally do,’ was what my mum said. And that’s more or less what the �teachers told us at school: ’ self-confidence at an interview is� for success’. Those were his exact words. So I put on my best suit to give me that confidence, cleaned my shoes and �I went. Well, my hands were shaking so much, you wouldn’t believe it. I nearly �coffee down my trousers. I think I managed to hide it, though. Course, what I couldn’t hide was the fact that I’d failed my maths . They wouldn’t �without it. , really – the money wasn’t too bad.

4 �������according to ��������uncrossed ����������lean back �������������convinced �������������ache ����������������grin ��������������bubbly���������������advisable �������������nerves
’Don’t �in your chair’, he says. ’If you do that, it might look as though you’re trying just a bit too hard to cover up your . Either that or you’re not interested in the job.’ So �this Dr Benson, it’s �to lean forward, keep your legs �and smile confidently. Well, I did all that. In fact, I smiled so much my face began to . But they somehow seemed to realize that I don’t normally walk around with a permanent �from ear to ear – they said they were looking for lively, �people for their sales team, and they weren’t �that I fitted the bill.

5 ��������duck �����������frightened ������������ tricky ����������������early ����������������office ������������� human �������������sick
I saw this video in the university careers �where they recommended imagining the interviewer in the bath, playing with a plastic , of all things. The idea is that they’re only human, so there’s nothing to be �of. So, anyway, I thought about the type of questions they might ask me and I got to the interview about half an hour� so I could go over the answers I was going to give. But, bath or no bath, the interviewer turned out to be not so� after all. It was like an interrogation, and the things he asked were really� – nothing like what I’d prepared for. I just didn’t know what to say. I felt pretty �about the whole thing afterwards, I can tell you.
