English Exercises > songs exercises

song- Cha-cha-cha Chihuahua

Downloadable worksheets:
Teaching English With Songs
Level: elementary
Age: 10-17
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7th form group session (what are your hobbies ?)
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Age: 10-14
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Practice Irregular Past Tense with SONG: Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion [3 pages + lyrics]
Level: intermediate
Age: 9-17
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Song: You´re my best friend - Queen
Level: elementary
Age: 8-14
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Teach English through songs - 5 page song list suggestion
Level: elementary
Age: 14-17
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Hotel California (four skills)
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
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1. Enjoy the song and write the missing words: 
Cha-cha-cha Cha-cha-cha
I´m a cha-cha-cha Chihuahua I´m the smallest   in
I never have to   because they carry me around
When I am a puppy, I´m no bigger than a  .
And I get no bigger even when I am grown up!
I´m  a cha-cha-cha Chihuahua
everybody thinks I´m cute!
I can fit into a   or a   or a !
I think I´m getting sleepy it´s   time you know.
I´m a cha-cha-cha Chihuahua and I come from  .
Cha cha cha
I´m a cha-cha-cha Chihuahua I´m not afraid to fight!
I bit a   one time, but he did not feel the bite.
You think just because I´m tiny though is something that I´m not.
  they are tiny, but senor they´re pretty HOT!
I´m a cha-cha-cha Chihuahua I´ll watch your   for you
Maybe I can´t catch a  ,
But I´ll catch a   or  !
I think I´m getting sleepy...
It´s siesta time you know... 
I´m a cha-cha-cha Chihuahua and I come from Mexico.
2. Choose the correct option:
1. A chihuahua is  than a great Dane .
2. A bulldog  is  than a chihuahua .
3. Carolina has three dogs: 
A collie , a fox-terrier , and a chihuahua .
The collie is the  and the chuhuahua is the .
                                                            By Carolina D'Avila and Anna Pessoa