The plane ________ took off and Anna breathed a sigh��������������������������������� safe
of relief. She didn�t like flying. She knew that, according
to statistics, it was the _______ way of travelling, but it�������������������������������� safe
didn�t make her feel any ________. Statistics were_____���� �������������������������good, person
�but when she imagined her plane flying over the ocean,
She felt dizzy. The guy siiting nex to ______ was, on� the���������������������������� she
Contrary, happy and _______. He was listening to his CD����������� ����������������cheer
Player. His eyes were closed but when Anna tried to reach
For her bag on the luggage deck, he immediately stood up
To help her. It reminded Anna her first _______. She and �����������������������������fly
Her granny were flying o New York for Christmas.The six-
year-old Anna was ______ and excited. She had a large box ������������������������cheer
of _______ on her lap was afraid of nothing. ��������������������������������������������������Candy