English Exercises > holidays exercises

Let´s all light a candle

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Level: elementary
Age: 12-17
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Level: elementary
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We'll light a candle together
* The first part of the song is in Hebrew*
This is a song that represented Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest - It has a universal message.
Complete the song by choosing the right words
Sometimes it seems as if there is no hope
And everything looks so dark and unknown
The flowers have yet to bloom in the garden and in the field
And in the evening only the wind blows
So let's light a candle together
Light a candle, light a candle with
A candles in the dark will open our hearts
Light a candle, light a candle with
A candles in the dark will open our hearts
Sometimes it seems as if tomorrow
Won't bring any comfort here to the crying and the sorrow
And the long night goes on without a promise
And the darkeness is sharp as an razor
So let's light a candle together
Light a candle, light a candle with me
A candles in the dark  our hearts
Light a candle, light a candle with me
A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts
Light all the candles
Let's light the candles
Just look at me and take my hand
The of love will again
Light a candle, light a candle with me
A thousand candles in the dark will open our hearts
Light a candle, light a candle with me
 candles   a    will  thousand   in   dark   the   open our hearts .
Find the scrambled word according to the definition
1. the opposite of close = peno
2 the opposite of light = ardk 
3. the opposite of alone = rotehtg
4. the opposite of hate = vole
5. the day after today = wormotro