English Exercises > Other printables exercises

Objects around me

Downloadable worksheets:
101 ELT GAMES! 15 pages of communicative activity ideas!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-100
Downloads: 3051

test 1
Level: intermediate
Age: 16-100
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Level: elementary
Age: 8-100
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MY SUPER BOOKMARKS PART 2! - FUNNY VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR BOOKMARKS FOR YOUNG LEARNERS ( to be, to have; months of the year, irregular plurals,personal and possessive pronouns, farm animals) EDITABLE WITH B&W VIRSION!!!
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 2710

MY SUPER BOOKMARKS! (EDITABLE!!!) - FUNNY VOCABULARY BOOKMARKS FOR KIDS (numbers 1-100, alphabet, colours, body parts and days of the week) 2 pages B&W version included
Level: elementary
Age: 6-12
Downloads: 2663

a married woman
Level: advanced
Age: 18-17
Downloads: 62


������������������� OBJECTS AROUND ME
EXERCISE 1 Read the names of the objects and try to learn them by herat.
Do not pay attention into the translation into Latvian: Izlasiet un iepaziistaties ar prieksmetu nosaukumieim. Neskidriibas gadiijumaa, zvaniet man.
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�� candle�������������� barrel���������� bucket������������������������������������� ������
� clock������������������ map����������� chest
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� vase�������������������� basket�������� book
EXERCISE�2 Choose the right word from the given options.
Do not pay attention into the translation into Latvian: Izveelieties pareizo no dotaaiejm vaardiem. Neskidriibas gadiijumaa, zvaniet man.
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EXERCISE�3 Choose the right one and tick. Do not tick the wrong ones.
Do not pay attention into the translation into Latvian: Ielieciet keksiiti ailiitee, kas atbilst atteelaam, nelieciet neko nepareizaa ailiitee. Neskidriibas gadiijumaa, zvaniet man.
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������� clock���������� map���������� �bucket
������� candle�������� chest���������� basket
������� vase����������� barrel��������� book
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������� clock�������� � barrel�������� �book
������� vase����������� basket���������chest�
������� candle���������map����������� bucket
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������ clock������������ basket������� chest
����� �vase������������ �map��������� � bucket
������ candle���������� barrel������� �book