English Exercises > Other printables exercises


Downloadable worksheets:
quizz about Ireland
Level: elementary
Age: 12-15
Downloads: 49

Ireland quizz
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-17
Downloads: 29

Tutorial: Quizz about Britain and Ireland History: Questions & Answers
Level: intermediate
Age: 8-17
Downloads: 18

A quizz about Ireland
Level: elementary
Age: 12-14
Downloads: 11

Quizz Ireland
Level: elementary
Age: 11-17
Downloads: 1

Quizz about Ireland
Level: intermediate
Age: 14-100
Downloads: 12



Label the following illustrations:

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Where do people celebrate St Patrick?

When do people celebrate St Patrick?

What colour does people wear on St Patrick's day?

What do people drink on St Patrick's day?

What is the symbol of Ireland?

What are the colours of the Irish flag?

Who is the St Patron of Ireland?

What job do Leprechauns do?

What do the Leprechauns hide?

What currency is used in Ireland?

What is Ireland's nickname?

What colour symbolises the beginning of Spring?

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