English Exercises > people exercises

Describing a hero

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Describing a Hero

Part A. Superheroes
Match the Superheroes to their characteristics. Write a letter (A, B, C etc) in the space next to the pictures as it is given in the example.
A. Agile and capable of climbing walls, with a sixth sense alerting to danger.�����
B. Patriotic soldier with incredible strength, endurance, agility and speed.
C. Wise, intelligent, and cunning, using his brain and detective skills.
D. Powerful and dangerously strong, capable of�jumping high and breathing under water.
E. Creative inventor who desighed a�powerful suit.
F.�Athletic and strong, capabale of flying to other worlds and galaxies.
G.�A hero�with hearing, smell, taste and touch amplified to superhuman degrees.
Example: �

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Part B. Heroes among us
Choose the correct answer:
1. He can give you good advice, he is a �man.
2. You have to be very �, if you want to ride a mountain bike.
3. Firefighters have to be��because they put their lives in danger.
4. He wanted to show how �he was to those volunteers who rescued him from the landslide.
5. He was admired by everyone for his .
6. Policemen must be very �because�they�chase criminals.
7. He was a very -minded person and�his principle was to respect�opinions and views of others.
8. She was a very kind and ��nurse always ready to comfort�the sick people.
9. Everybody was amazed to see his �eyes, as if nothing terrible had happened to him.
10. What are the �characteristics of a hero?