Listening and Web Search
Hugh Laurie
Watch the video and do the following exercises
Choose the correct verbs
This is a song I�rodewrotebroughtbought a long time ago, a very long time ago called �Mystery�
All my life has��beanbebeenpea a mystery
You and I�wearwereworeworn� never ever�mentmendmeanmeant� to be
That's why I�callcalledcoldcould� my love for you a mystery
Different country�
You and I��havehadhasheave� always�livelivedleaveleaved� in a different country
And I know that airline tickets don't�grewgogrowglow� on a tree
So what�keepedclappedsleptkept� us apart is plain for me to�seeseenseasean
That much at least��thishisisthese� not really a mystery
Unscramble the words
I live in a�� (tobuseaoh) on an estuary
Which is� (hyadn) for my work with the �(rtoP) Authority
But I� (nowk) you would have� (udfno) it insanitary
Tick the word that you can hear
Hatred����Hated me
I'd be foolish��fully to ignore the possibility
That if we'd ever actually meat��met, you might have taken� shaken a violent dislike to me
Still, that's not the only problem that I��can�t� can see
Unscramble the lines of the verse
� So why do I still long for you?
� You've been dead now . . . wait a minute, let me see...
� Why did I write this song for you?
� As a human being you are history
� Well, I guess it's just a mystery
� Mystery
Just a mystery
� Dead since 1993
� Fourteen years come next January
� Why is my love so strong for you?
Search the following link about Hugh Laurie�and fill in the crosword
1 Hugh Laurie has a degree in these subjects.