This is Susan. She is thirteen years old. She's from Brighton. It' a town in Britain.䒷he lives there with her mum, dad and two brothers.
She's got a pet. Her pet is a dog. Dog's name is Max.
䒷he's got lots of hobbies.鼦fter school䒷usan賷oes her homeworks. When it's sunny she goes out with her霡riends and her dog Max but when it's rainy she plays computer games at home.�
She loves sports. On Mondays,䒷usan plays table tennis and she goes swimming every Friday. ��
What is her name?
How old is she?���
Where is she from?
Is it true or false?���������������������� TRUE����� FALSE
She has got one brother.����������������������������� ��������������������
Her dog's name is Max.������������������������������������������ �
She does her homeworks after school.����������������������������� ��
When it's sunny she plays computer games at home.������������������� �
She doen't like sports.�������������������������������� ���������� �