What are you wearing today ? 
 Exercise 1: Put the right word in the case
1 - It's bedtime ! I going to put my  on and also my  on.
2 - It's really cold outside !! Where are my  and my  ? 
3 - We are going to the beach this afternoon, I hope you have your  ! 
4 - It's raining today ! Where is my  ? 
5 - Mum ! Do you know where are my  ? I can't go to school barefoot !!
6 - I can't see anything because of the sun. Where are my  ?  
7 - Have you seen the bride ? She has got a lovely  ! 
8 - I am going to do some jogging today ! Where are my  ? 
Exercise 2: 15 words are hidden here. Can you find them ?  


Exercise 3: Choose the right word for each of these drawings: 






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