Mixed Tenses Practice

Present Perfect Simple - Present Perfect Continuous�- Past Simple

My aunt is too ill to do the shopping. I the shopping for her since last year. This week, I� shopping. Look,� I vegetables, bread, eggs, some cheese, and some milk.

I�� the furniture around all day. I still don�t like it the way it is.�

We�� � museums all week. I want to do something different.

My friend� in the hospital since yesterday and I�� her twice.

I�� � to do this exercise for almost an hour now. So far, I � able to finish.

It � all day, that�s why I � the dog for a long walk yet.

I�� � on the essay all afternoon and I still�� � it. The phone � nonstop.

I�� the bus, that�s why I�� � to call my mom on her mobile. I can't reach her, though.

Oops, I � over the paint bucket, there�s paint all over the floor now.

Can you help me? I to open this bottle for about 10 minutes now.

What? You � it?

Have you ever �a camel?

I � my keys. I can�t go inside.

Again? You � your keys ever since we met.

I � a teacher at the university of Wyoming for two years. Now I teach here.
I around the block for 30 minutes and I still a place where I can put my car.

Someone my lunch. I it in the kitchen this morning and now it isn�t there anymore.

I�� a letter to my friend this morning. I�� it to the post office yet. Would you like to see it?

Yesterday afternoon my little brother�� my homework, and, so far, I�� to find it.I� something like that when I was little.

One of my neighbors my newspaper. I�� up an angry note about it in the corridor.

This is my boyfriend, I�� him for a few years now.

They�� here for a week and they� �the hotel since they arrived.

I� �my glasses. I can�t find them.

There isn�t any milk in the cat�s bowl. She probably�� it all last night.

Copyright Regina & The Blunder Busters 2010






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