Choose a, an, or some from the given options.�
  1. ball
  2. warmth
  3. table
  4. peach
  5. boot
  6. uncle
  7. lamp
  8. paint
  9. sand
  10. tree
Choose a, an, or some from the given options. wood
  1. soup
  2. ear
  3. salt
  4. bush
  5. box
  6. airplane
  7. wool
  8. grape
  9. mushroom
Choose a, an, or some from the given options. chalk
  1. star
  2. air
  3. brush
  4. love
  5. bag
  6. powder
  7. elbow
  8. friendship
  9. knight
Choose a, an, or some from the given options. eye
  1. sugar
  2. apricot
  3. pen
  4. water
  5. aunt
  6. juice
  7. nose
  8. ant
  9. patience






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