
I. Choose the correct picture.

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1.���������� 2.���������������3.

��� �������� ��������������

4. ������������ 5. ������������ 6.

II. Read and�tick �the best answer.

1. I like to play the�����ball����� guitar� fish���

2. My brother plays video����doll���� car�� �game����

3. Look!! this is a family����party� photo� birthday��

4.�He �likes to play the����guitar�� ball�� piano���

5.This is my favourite���� hobby�� place�� movie���

III.. Look and complete the words

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1. S p �r t�2. f �o t b �l l���� 3. V �l l �y b �l l

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4. s w �m m �n g�����5. t �n n s����� �6. f �s h �n g






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