Reading exercises
1. Who is it?
Wanda is wearing a blue, purple and white�dress.
She�s wearing a big tall hat with a star and a moon.
She�s wearing blue socks and red shoes.
Winnie is wearing a blue dress and a purple jumper.
She�s wearing a big tall hat with a star and a moon.
She�s wearing red and yellow socks and blue and yellow shoes.
Wilma is wearing a blue, yellow and purple dress.
She�s wearing a big tall hat with two stars.
She�s wearing red and yellow socks and blue and yellow shoes.
Wendy is wearing a purple dress and a blue jumper.
She�s wearing a purple, orange and yellow hat.
She�s wearing purple socks and red shoes.
2. Tick the clothes that belong to each witch.
Winnie Wanda Wendy Wilma
�a�blue dress
�a�purple jumper
�black socks
�white shoes
�a pink dress
�a red hat
�blue socks
�red shoes
�a�purple dress
�a purple jumper
�a striped hat
�purple socks
a colourful dress
�striped socks
�blue shoes
�a black hat
3. Complete the sentences.
Winnie is swimming under the .
�It is so .
�She's�wearing a blue and purple .
�She's wearing red and yellow .
�She's got .
�She's got blue .
�She's got�a �with her.






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